Frequently asked questions.
Who owns KRP?
KRP is a leasehold development with a long 999 year lease. For apartments in Birchgrove House and Charlwood House the immediate landlord is Fairhold Holdings. For Dorchester House, Earls House and Farringdon House, it is Fairhold Artemis. For Amelia House it is Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, which is a housing association with a 99 year lease.
Fairhold Holdings and Fairhold Artemis collect ground rents through their respective agents, Homeground and E&M. Permission is required from them for any alterations within the demised premises (the apartments). The ground rent for a typical two bedroom flat is currently £250 per year.
The freehold for the land that the development occupies is currently owned by St George, but will transfer to the Residents Management Company, leaving St George with no further interest in the development. The activities of the Residents Management Company and the Board of Directors will continue to be governed by the requirements of the lease. The Directors work on a voluntary basis and are all current leaseholders.
The lease is a considered, well written document. Experience has shown that it covers all eventualities and sets out clear responsibilities for the Residents Management Company and leaseholders. For example, it protects leaseholders by regulating what the service charge can be used for. Leasehold properties are sometimes criticised in the media, but we find it very effective for the governance of the development.
What is the Residents Management Company?
In 2010, St George granted a lease to Kew Riverside Park Residents Company (the RMC) over the main structure and common parts of the development. This lease is referred to as the Common Parts Lease and led to the formation of the RMC, a registered company, limited by guarantee. All KRP leaseholders are automatically members of the company. The RMC Board sets the service charges and has overall control of expenditure. The Board also employs PBM, to collect the service charges and manage the operation.
Operational questions should be addressed to the concierge, Help Desk or PBM, rather than the Board..
What does the service charge cover?
A full set of accounts is published annually which sets out how the service charge is spent. The main items of expenditure are staff wages, garden maintenance, buildings insurance, domestic water supply and property management fees. An element of the service charge (the reserve) is set aside for longer term capital projects. Leaseholders can obtain a copy of the most recent audited accounts from the password-protected leaseholders section of this website (see top of page).
What are the Estate Regulations?
The lease contain reasonable covenants which are designed to make KRP an enjoyable place to live. These covenants, together with a few supplemental rules are set out in the Estate Regulations.
What are the parking controls?
Parking is controlled by MET parking wardens. The fine for parking without authorisation or not where instructed is £60, payable on the MET website. Resident and visitor permits are available from the Concierge, subject to the current parking rules.
How do I organise a move?
Moving home? You can you make the necessary arrangements, such as requesting the protective lift curtains, by creating a service request on the KRP Help Desk. Create a Help Desk Request
Please note that flat moves are not permitted at the weekend or outside the hours of 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays. Private landlords are charged for damage resulting from tenant changeovers. Estate Regulations.
Please do not dispose of furniture or large packaging items in the bin-room. Use the KRP recycling facility at the end of Strand Drive or take the items by car to the Richmond Council recycling centre Townmead Recycling Centre.
When are the bins emptied?
All blocks have a dedicated bin room with recycling facilities. We also have a recycling area for larger items near the Strand Drive entrance. Richmond Council collect general waste from all bin-rooms on Monday mornings. Earls House has an additional collection on Thursdays. For larger volumes of waste, for example when moving home or refurbishing an apartment, Townmead Recycling Centre is a five-minute drive away. This is also where electrical items should be taken.